Cyborgs and mutants in “Cataratas” of Hernán Vanoli.

A roadmap for science fiction


  • Nicolás Guglielmone Escuela de Letras. FFyH. UNC


cyborgs, mutants, science fiction, technoscience, Argentine literature


Some figures of profuse appearance in texts of the science fiction genre allow us to approach a variety of problems about the relationship of subjects in technological environments that in turn constitute them. Such is the case of technologies like cybernetics and biogenetics, present on a daily basis in the so-called advanced post-capitalist societies. Cyborgs and mutants are discursive figures that refer to this area of knowledge and at the same time embody radical changes that occurred during the 20th century that problematize and blur certain limits dear to humanism (between humans and animals, between organisms and machines). The novel Cataratas by the Argentinian writer Hernán Vanoli uses these particular characters to make a critique of the extractive production models of natural resources as well as informational resources.


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How to Cite

Guglielmone, N. (2022). Cyborgs and mutants in “Cataratas” of Hernán Vanoli. : A roadmap for science fiction. Síntesis, (12), 54–63. Retrieved from



