Care practices on sexuality of bolivian, peruvian and Argentinian adolescents


  • Cristina Castro Trabajo final para acceder al título de Lic. en Enfermería. ORDIC:
  • Paola del Valle García Lic. en Enfermería. Escuela de Enfermería. FCM.UNC. ORDIC:


Diversity. Culture. Beliefs. Adolescent. Sexuality.


Introduction: Argentina has been historically characterized as a country of immigration. In the programmatic area of the Health Center no. 57 in IPV Argüello, in the northwest of the city of Córdoba, there is a settlement of individuals from various countries such as Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Chile and Brazil. A high rate of early sexual intercourse initiation was
found; this can be observed in adolescents from Peru and Bolivia between the average ages of 11.5 years in males and 12 years in females. There is a high rate of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs); every month, adolescents aging from 15 to 19 years old attend consultations. There is a high rate of school dropouts in the first and second years of secondary school; 5 out
of 10 adolescents drop out due to work-related activities, a situation that limits adolescents’ access to appropriate and sufficient information on matters of sexual health, among other important matters. Methodology: A descriptive, comparative, cross-sectional and variable study was carried out about the care practices on sexuality of Bolivian, Peruvian and Argentine
adolescents. Population: 45 adolescents. Sample: 15 adolescents of both sexes and of Bolivian, Peruvian and Argentine nationalities, which is the approximate amount of consults requested at the Health Center no. 57 in IPV Argüello, city of Córdoba, during the period of August and September of the year 2019. Results: While Bolivian and Peruvian adolescents hold  the belief that there are harmful effects in the form of physical damage linked to the use of contraceptive
methods, Argentine adolescents do not believe that there are risks to their health. There are cultural traditions that represent a barrier to the use of contraceptive methods. While Peruvian youngsters display fear and shyness towards conversations on matters of sexuality, Argentinian youngsters do not display obstacles when having conversations on the matter. Discussion and conclusion: Regarding the environments in which the information on the use of contraceptive methods can be accepted, the Argentine and Bolivian families provide information about sexuality to adolescents. Regarding romantic relationships and  the use of contraceptivemethods, Peruvian youngsters prefer stable relationships. León Román, C A. (2016).


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How to Cite

Castro, C., & García, P. del V. (2022). Care practices on sexuality of bolivian, peruvian and Argentinian adolescents. Crear En Salud, (19). Retrieved from

