Nursing in its dual family and professional role, how does it adapt to the demands in this Covid-19 pandemic?


  • Marina Fernández-Diez Docente Escuela de Enfermería. Especialista en Administración y Gestión de Servicios de Enfermería. ORCID:
  • Daniela Mamani Especialista en Enfermería Neonatal - Diplomatura en aprender a enseñar. ORCID:


nursing, covid 19, family, professional practice.


Introduction: The health emergency generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has produced changes in the lives of nursing professionals, this situation being a trigger for family moments that she was forced to attend to and face. The objective of the study was to establish the adaptations to professional and family life in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic made by second-cycle student nurses. Cordoba-Jujuy, Argentina. 2020. The study was qualitative. The population made up of students of the second cycle of the Bachelor of Nursing career at the National University of Córdoba. It seeks to obtain findings from subdimensions; adaptations: “professional life and family life in the framework of a pandemic”, The sample was intentional until it was saturated, through direct virtual interviews via MEET or ZOOM, on the selected topics, textual expressions of the actors and Also, observations. Results of the findings similarities and differences are established, articulation was established between theory and experience that responds to the objectives and questions raised in the investigation. Findings, in Dimension 1: regarding how the family nucleus is constituted, the responses are diverse because simple and extended family nuclei are included; It should be noted that, in order to preserve the health of the family, nurses are the first to reach the extreme of caring for them, even if this means that they will have to leave home or plunge into isolation within their own homes. In Dimension 2: adaptations to professional life manifest breaking ties physically, many schedule changes, we were forced to make adjustments of all kinds; and achievements in aspects such as stress management, anxiety and relationships in nursing. Conclusions: They have seen themselves in the position of changing habits in their lifestyle as a result of the pandemic, finding themselves, on occasions as they expressed, involved in stressful situations in the professional, family and social spheres


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How to Cite

Fernández-Diez , M. ., & Mamani, D. . (2022). Nursing in its dual family and professional role, how does it adapt to the demands in this Covid-19 pandemic?. Crear En Salud, (17). Retrieved from