Self-care practices of adolescents in the frameworkof the Covid-19 pandemic


  • Nora Ludueña Lic. en Enfermería. Enfermera en contingencia. Hospital de Ancianos Elpidio González de Despeñaderos. ORCID:
  • Macarena Zerpa Lic. en Enfermería. Enfermera en Pediatría. Sanatorio Allende sede Cerro de la Ciudad de Córdoba. ORCID:
  • Sandra Cerino Lic. en Enfermería. Mg. en Administración Pública. Cátedra de enfermería en Salud Mental Escuela de Enfermería. FCM. UNC. ORID:


Adolescence – Behaviors – Self-care practices – Health – Covid-19 – Virtuality


Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO, 2020) defines adolescence as a life stage
during which subjects define their personalities, behaviors, identities and roles. This study
sought to establish the self-care practices of adolescents of a secondary school in the framework
of the COVID-19 pandemic and their ways of adapting to the preventive measures that affected
teaching practices, the students’ learning and the pursuit of programmatic and institutional
goals. Besides, inquiries were made into the self-care practices in its different dimensions such
as physical, social and psychological. Methodology: It was a descriptive, cross-sectional study
carried out with Education Rural Center students in the Department of Santa María in the
province of Córdoba during the first semester of the year 2021. An online survey was used.
Results and Conclusion: The information obtained showed that, in general, adolescents in
the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic practice self-care and have healthy habits. Physical
activity decreased since 59.1 % of adolescents do not practice it; water consumption displays
65.9 % of adolescents who drink water at times. Eating patterns were altered, especially
breakfast, since only 50 % of adolescents have breakfast, 80 % of them sleep 8 hours, and 63.6
% of them drink alcohol. Regarding STDs and pregnancy preventive measures, adolescentes
are seen to positively take preventive measures and sexual care practices. Regarding the social
dimension, 54.5 % display a good relationship with their parents and 52.3 % of them show a
good relationship with their peers. Regarding the psychological dimension, 77.3 % always
stand up for their own decisions when interacting with friends and 34.1 % of them accept
consequences and orders. Discussion: Important points were recognized to be reflected on
and some other points that must be reinforced through intervention. According to Álvarez
(2011), quoted by Naranjo (2017), these activities are performed by individuals, families and/or
communities with the purpose of promoting health, preventing diseases or limiting an ongoing
disease, and of reestablishing health when it is


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How to Cite

Ludueña, . N., Zerpa, . M., & Cerino , S. (2022). Self-care practices of adolescents in the frameworkof the Covid-19 pandemic. Crear En Salud, (17). Retrieved from