Nursing’s social image
Social image; profession; nursing.Abstract
The professional image of nursing is defined as a network of social representations compri- sing a set of concepts, statements, and explanations. Internal and external social practices are generated and reproduced through ideologies formed in the workplace. Additionally, the pro- fessional image is linked to the representation of professional identity. Objective: To analyze the social image of nursing among students enrolled in Health Sciences programs at a private university in Córdoba, Argentina, in 2023. Methodology: A prospective, descriptive, cross- sectional study was conducted. The universe consisted of students enrolled in programs in medicine, dentistry, the Bachelor’s Degree in Surgical Instrumentation, psychology, nutrition, and kinesiology. Primary information was collected using the technique of a self-administered survey, and the instrument was an online questionnaire, completed voluntarily after the re- search objective was exp lained, and informed consent was signed. Results and discussion: 77% of the interviewees were female, with 38.75% aged between 18 and 25 years. Among the students, 49% were enrolled in the medicine and surgical instrumentation programs, while 51% belonged to other Health Sciences degree programs. It was observed that the students’ social image of nursing depicted it as a caregiving profession, with responsibilities in health promo- tion and disease prevention. Nurses were perceived as having the knowledge to practice their profession independently, with precise skills that are overseen by the Chief Doctor and Chief Nurse. A high percentage of interviewees reported that the nursing profession is predominantly practiced by women.
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