Revisión sistemática del estado de arte de conceptos sobre cuidado de enfermería (2016-2020). En función del modelo crítico


  • Emilse Olivares
  • Silvia Catalini
  • Julio Torres
  • Alejandra Delgado
  • Jesús Aarón Lenis-López


atención de enfermería, teoría de enfermería, revisión sistemática, investigación acción participante.


Introduction Theories and conceptual models are not new at all in nursing; they have been present ever since Nightingale posited her ideas on nursing for the first time in 1859. Since the model links the abstract world with the concrete world, a model of nursing care consists in building knowledge that fosters a distinct and specific way of caring, aiding the care provided to a human being. Simultaneously, the model promotes the understanding and development of nursing. The present study was aimed at evaluating the state of the art of theories, models and concepts related to nursing care. The objective of this research was evaluating, by means of a systematic review, the state of the art of nursing care theories, models and concepts which
have been published at a national and international level between 2016 and 2020 in different databases. Methodology: A systematic review of PubMed, Scielo, Cuiden, ScienceDirect, Lilcas, Dialnet and LA Referencia databases was carried out. Results: A total of 1100 cases
were found, resulting in 26 studies, 6 thesis and 20 articles. The country which researched the most was Brazil in the year 2018. Participatory research methods were used in tandem with critical theory resulting in new ways of reasoned, critical, proper and holistic care. Conclusion:
Equitable relations which go against power generated structures are established. There is a clear interest in understanding the construction of nursing and its links to culture, history and the social sphere. This interest has yielded qualitative research with clear delimitation of the transformation in the social field.


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How to Cite

Revisión sistemática del estado de arte de conceptos sobre cuidado de enfermería (2016-2020). En función del modelo crítico . (2021). Crear En Salud, 15.