BUILDING BRIDGES AND GENERATING SPACES FOR REFLECTION. Emergence of an empowered group of women: birth of a Commission.


  • Marcela Viviana Sapei


Gender Violence, Committee


This article recounts the experience of the emergence of the Commission on Gender Violence in the School of Nursing of the FCM UNC. The objectives were: - To reflect on the involvement of nurses in social and current issues such as sexist violence and - Rescue the importance of collaborative work and the construction of links that transcend time. The development of the same in the first stage of this experience advisory strategies were developed with the Secretariat of Extension of the UNC, second stage call to the entire educational institution to participate, in the third stage the objectives of the commission were built being the General: - Promote an environment free of gender-based violence and discrimination based on gender and / or sexual identity in the university environment. Results: Some achievements developed by the Commission that can be pointed out were: reception of numerous consultations and implementation of the protocol referring the victims to the University Community Ombudsman and the UNC Gender Program. Conclusion: the consolidation of the Commission within the School of Nursing expresses the commitment to violence prevention and based on the rights approach.
Keywords: Gender Violence. Committee.



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How to Cite

BUILDING BRIDGES AND GENERATING SPACES FOR REFLECTION. Emergence of an empowered group of women: birth of a Commission. (2020). Crear En Salud, 13.