The Redundancy Effect on Human Predictive Learning: Evidence against a Propositional Interpretation

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Jorge A. Pinto
Daniel E. Núñez


The redundancy effect is the finding of greater learning when an X stimulus is trained in an A+ AX+ blocking procedure, than when a Y stimulus is trained in a BY+ CY- discrimination procedure. These findings are new and theoretically challenging for all conditioning theories that calculate learning based on a common error. For this reason, we alternatively examined the possibility that the phenomenon is the result of a propositional reasoning. In an experiment, we replicated the basic effect and we found out that the addition of instructions on the occurrence of the consequences at a submaximal level does not have a significant impact on the redundancy effect. These findings are discussed with regard to a propositional and associative approach based on the assumption that the experimental stimuli share a common feature.


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Como Citar
Pinto, J. A., & Núñez, D. E. (2020). The Redundancy Effect on Human Predictive Learning: Evidence against a Propositional Interpretation. Revista Argentina De Ciencias Del Comportamiento, 12(3), 105–115.
Artículos Originales
Biografia do Autor

Daniel E. Núñez, Universidad de Talca

Profesor Asociado, Facultad de Psicología



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