The role of empathy in mental attribution

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Patricia Brunsteins


This work examines in what extent a notion of empathy may clarify mindreading’s debate. Taking into account an interdisciplinary and integrative notion of empathy, compatibility with mental attribution strategies both mental simulation and theory-theory, in non pure versions, is evaluated. Firstly, new empirical research is supposed to contribute strengthening an integrative empathy instead of theory-theory or mental simulation `s points of view. Secondly, new empirical research will bring better tools to distinguish between empathy and simulation. Consequently, the relationship between empathy and mental attribution theories may be better delimited and a full mental attribution theory may possibly be proposed.


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Brunsteins, P. (2011). The role of empathy in mental attribution. Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 3(1), 75–84.
Intencionalidad y Conciencia: Abordajes Recientes


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