Unidad de Ciencias del Comportamiento y Políticas Públicas del Gobierno de la Nación Argentina: Reseña de una experiencia (2021-2023)

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Iván Budassi
Jorgelina Bertoni
Paula Caccia
Ángel Elgier
Mariano Dottori
Ricardo Rotsztein
Agustina Aragón Daud
Fernando Torrente


The influence of scientific developments on behavior has steadily grown in the field of public administration and governments in recent decades. Following the pioneering experience of the Behavioral Insights Team in the United Kingdom, various organizations with similar characteristics have been created in numerous countries around the world. These “nudge units” focus on implementing rapid and cost-effective interventions, taking into consideration the available empirical evidence on how people effectively decide and act. This article narrates the birth of the Unit of Behavioral Sciences and Public Policies in Argentina in 2021 and how its emergence and development relate to other experiences worldwide. The main activities carried out by the Unit are detailed, and a discussion analyzes the achievements and limitations of the experience, the barriers encountered, and recommendations to be considered in future similar developments.


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How to Cite
Budassi, I., Bertoni, J., Caccia, P., Elgier, Ángel, Dottori, M., Rotsztein, R., Aragón Daud, A., & Torrente, F. (2024). Unidad de Ciencias del Comportamiento y Políticas Públicas del Gobierno de la Nación Argentina: Reseña de una experiencia (2021-2023). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 16(1), 4–17. https://doi.org/10.32348/1852.4206.v16.n1.44605
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