Depression among Peruvian teenagers during pandemic: A network Analysis

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Andy Rick Sánchez-Villena


The aim of this study, with an associative and cross-sectional design, was to explore the relationships between the symptoms of depression in Peruvian adolescents during the pandemic and to identify which of them is the most central according to sex. A total of 2059 adolescents participated and were administered the PHQ 9. Through network analysis, it was found that the central symptoms of depression were depressed mood and fatigue followed by loss of interest. A greater interaction between symptoms was found in the female group. It is concluded that the main symptoms of depression in both adolescent males and females were depressed mood, fatigue or loss of energy and anhedonia. Although no significant differences were found, the first two symptoms seem to have more centrality in males, while anhedonia had more centrality in females.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Villena, A. R. (2024). Depression among Peruvian teenagers during pandemic: A network Analysis. Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 16(2), 51–59.
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