Retención de Dígitos (WAIS III): validez convergente y normas para población argentina entre 40 y 91 años

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Pablo Luis Martino
Mauricio Cervigni
Miguel Gallegos
Daniel Politis


The Digit Span is frequently used in the field of neuropsychological evaluation in Argentina. However, updated normative data and evidence of convergent validity in the Argentine context are lacking. The objective was to elaborate normative data for the Test of digits-WAIS III and to analyze its convergent validity in Argentina. A total of 306 Argentines participated (mean age=66.5 years, 40-91 years). Subjects with pathologies that compromised neuropsychological performance were excluded. The Digit Test-WAIS III, the MoCA and fluency tasks were administered, performing correlations and regression. Education improves performance on Digit Span, although the effect size is small. Age does not influence significantly. Norms with cut scores are provided by educational level. There were positive correlations between Digits Span, MoCA and fluency. In conclusion, this research supports the use of the Digits Span in the Argentine context by offering up-to-date normative and acceptable evidence of validity.


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How to Cite
Martino, P. L., Cervigni, M., Gallegos, M., & Politis, D. (2024). Retención de Dígitos (WAIS III): validez convergente y normas para población argentina entre 40 y 91 años. Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 16(2), 74–83.
Technical or Methodological Articles
Author Biography

Pablo Luis Martino, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina, Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Facultad de Psicología, Rosario, Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Ciencias del Comportamiento, San Luis, Argentina.

Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos en Biología Humana, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Rosario.

Becario de Investigación por la Universidad Nacional de San Luis


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