The role of vocabulary in the resolution of arithmetic problems: A meta-analysis

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Sofía Soledad Ortiz
Lucas Federico Sterpin
Juan Pablo Barreyro
Jesica Formoso


Vocabulary refers to the knowledge about words that a person uses and understands. It plays a preponderated role in the development and execution of many cognitive abilities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect size of vocabulary in both of its modalities, breadth and depth, regarding the ability to solve arithmetic word problems. For this purpose, we conducted a meta-analysis on 16 studies related to the subject. We included studies done after 2000, with children aged 3 to 13 and without neurological problems. Our results showed a moderate but statistically significant effect of vocabulary on the ability to solve arithmetic word problems, without difference between its modalities. Results also show a high heterogeneity index that can be explained due to inconsistencies in the way the constructs are measured.


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How to Cite
Ortiz, S. S., Sterpin, L. F. ., Barreyro, J. P. ., & Formoso, J. . (2021). The role of vocabulary in the resolution of arithmetic problems: A meta-analysis. Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 13(2), 24–37.
Original Articles


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