Social contexts in the training of rhythmic gymnastics trainers: lifelong learning

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Gabriela Breggue da Silva Sampaio
Michel Milistetd
Cintia de la Rocha Freitas
Fabrício João Milan
Marcos Paulo Vaz de Campos Pereira
Gelcemar Oliveira Farias


The objective was to analyze the influence of the social contexts of Rhythmic Gymnastics trainers, considering the learning acquired throughout life. Five trainers participated in the study. Data were collected from a semi-structured interview. The influence of the family is significant for the insertion and maintenance in the sport, besides the prominence in the school, sport and professional environment as informal contexts of relevance for the professional choice. It is concluded that the environment and learning contexts become opportunities to acquire knowledge, values ​​and beliefs that influence the personal and professional trajectory of the trainers.


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Breggue da Silva Sampaio, G., Milistetd, M., de la Rocha Freitas, C., Milan, F. J., Vaz de Campos Pereira, M. P., & Oliveira Farias, G. (2020). Social contexts in the training of rhythmic gymnastics trainers: lifelong learning. Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 12(3), 32–40.
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Cintia de la Rocha Freitas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Fabrício João Milan, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


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