The submission process is very simple and free of charge. In order to submit an article to RACC, users need to register first as authors. If you have already registered as an author, please enter your username and password on the home page or on the login page. If you are not registered yet, please sign up.

Once you have registered and identified yourself, go to “Personal Area” by clicking on the “Personal Area” link at the top of the screen. Once in the personal area, you will find an “Author” link right under the journal's name. Click on it and you will be redirected to an “Active Submissions” menu. At the bottom of the page, you will see a “Start new submission” function and a link to begin the submission process. In all cases, please ensure that you comply with the journal’s standards for preparing manuscripts. For a detailed description of instructions, please read and download our "Instructions for Authors", prepared by our Editor-in-Chief Dr. Marcos Cupani, and our Standards and Copy Editor Dr. Angelina Pilatti.

From this point onwards, the system will walk you through a 5-step process to upload your manuscript. After the manuscript has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation.

RACC applies the Creative Commons Attribution License (CCAL). With this license, authors retain copyright for their articles but allow any user to download and distribute articles published by RACC. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers, provided that appropriate attribution is made to the original author and source (i.e., RACC). Article submission to RACC is free of charge and manuscripts are available for free online reading.

A peer-review process is used. To ensure transparency of the review process a “double-blind” system will be implemented, thus reducing any bias in favour of or against any given submission. Works submitted to the journal will be sent to researchers with a highly specialised knowledge and expertise in the research field in question. A panel of two or three reviewers will receive an anonymous version of the work. Once reviewed, it will be returned to the journal’s editorial board in charge of making the final decision based on the reviewers’ recommendations. The reviewers are also unknown to the authors submitting the manuscripts for review. We have opted for this system because it ensures an honest and unbiased review as a result of author anonymity, an evaluation by expert reviewers, and topic consistency as editors and reviewers also decide on the suitability of the manuscript for the journal.

The journal will send out review forms to the reviewers together with the manuscript. These forms are used to set the parameters and/or criteria for assessing manuscripts.

Manuscripts may be: (a) Accepted without revisions, (b) Accepted pending minor revisions, (c) Accepted pending major revisions, (d) Resubmitted after introducing substantial general changes, or (e) Rejected. The editors will inform the author on the final decision based on the reviewers' comments. In the case of acceptance pending minor (b) or major (c) revisions, the authors will receive recommendations by the editors and reviewers. If the authors wish to resubmit the manuscript, they may do so at any time. If the authors do not resubmit a new version within a period of 4 months, their application to publish will not be considered, unless they had requested a postponement. In the cases of Acceptance without revisions (a), Resubmission after introducing substantial general changes, or (e) Rejection, the decision will be communicated to the authors immediately.