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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been published elsewhere or is under review in an alternative journal.
  • The file has been sent in microsoft word format.
  • The text is double-spaced with a font size of 12, italics is used instead of underlined.
  • The text follows the Author Guidelines, as found in the section About the Journal.
  • If applicable, a written permission is attached to the manuscript to use the texts, tests or portions of tests, tables or figures previously published, and it has been communicated to the editor.
  • The existence of similar manuscripts previously published by the author or evaluated in other media (e.g., use of the same database) is appropriately reported.
  • Throughout the research process embodied in the manuscript, international ethical standards were followed (American Psychological Association http://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx, Declaration of Helsinki http://www.wma.net/es/30publications/10policies/b3/). The corresponding national and international laws are complied with according to the type of investigation.

Below is a summary of the Author Guidelines. For a complete description of the norms, please read and download our guide "Instructions for Authors".

RACC receives articles by authors of any nationality, in Spanish, English or Portuguese. However, the official language of the journal is Spanish. The text must be original and unpublished, not admitting those articles that have been published in whole or in part, which are being published in another journal regardless of language or publication channel that was used. Papers should be no longer than 20 pages for empirical research; an extension of 30 pages for the work of theoretical or methodological review; and an extension of 10 pages for short papers. These reviews should be reviews of recent publications and should not exceed 1,000 words and include a bibliography (if references are included within the text should be complete, including number of pages and ISBN). In the case of empirical research, 20 pages including references, tables and graphs, double-spaced on A4 paper size, on one side, with 3 cm margins and numbered at the top, alignment outside, and the recommended font is Times New Roman 12 pt, without using indents. On a sheet a summary, not exceeding 150 words in both Spanish and English will be included. At the end of four or five short keywords, separated by semicolons are included. They must be representative of the work to facilitate the indexing of the article databases. In the case of the work of theoretical or methodological review and brief communications, the page limit (30 and 10 respectively) refers only to the text. Figures and tables (one per sheet) will be included in an appendix at the end of the text, after the references. Tables should be composed of the authors of the definitive way wish to appear and to be numbered consecutively in the order they are mentioned in the text with locations in the text. Tables and figures will be in black and white, and must conform to the formats Publication Manual of the APA in its sixth edition. The preferred format for digital images will be preparing the TIFF. Also images created with Microsoft Office (i.e., Excel, Power Point) will be accepted. No notes to footer accepted; those which are absolutely necessary in the text should be numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals and shall be written on a separate sheet at the end of work.

The authors will endeavor that the text does not contains suggestions that identify them. So then, the title page of the manuscript should not have primary data of the authors. The author data should be attached in a separate file, which will contain job title, name, institutional affiliation and contact details.

The RACC employs an electronic platform for the receipt, review and decision to publish articles. Specifically, used OJS (Open Journal Systems). Once prepared the article following the guidelines for authors, the documents will be uploaded via the website of the journal: http://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/racc/index. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, takes place via mail, eliminating the need for hard copy paper. The final decision on publication of the work takes into account such concepts and communicates the author with a summary of the comments received. In any case, the authors are responsible for the contents of the article, as well as obtain the appropriate permissions to use material published in any other source.