Motivation and sport Injuries in handball players

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Aurelio Olmedilla Zafra
Amador Blas Redondo
Maria Laguna Tudela


The aim of the study was to test whether different levels of motivation are related to the injuries suffered by elite athletes. The sample consists of 80 professional handball players of ASOBAL League, with a mean age of 24.83 years (+ 5.21). Motivation was assessed through the CPRD scale (Gimeno, Buceta & Pérez-Llantada; 1999) and a self-report questionnaire was used to register sports injuries. The results indicate that there is a relationship between motivational levels and the risk for injury. Specifically, players with high motivated players had a greater number of moderate injuries. Although it may seem paradoxical, it is possible that an excessively high motivation leads to overachievement and risk behaviors, which in turn facilitate the appearance of lesions.

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Original Articles

Author Biographies

Aurelio Olmedilla Zafra, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia

Profesor Facultad Ciencias de la Salud, de la Actividad Física y del DeporteProfesor Facultad de Psicología

Amador Blas Redondo, Sociedad Murciana de Psicología de la Actividad Física y el Deporte

Doctorando en Psicología del DeporteFacultad de PsicologíaUniversidad de Murcia

Maria Laguna Tudela, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Masterando en Master de Psicología del Deporte.

How to Cite

Motivation and sport Injuries in handball players. (2010). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2(3), 1-7.


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