Work-family relationship in private company workers: A systematic review

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Erik Pezo-Arteaga
Eduardo Fabrizzio Paredes Limo


The importance of understanding how work-family affects people's lives has been recognized in light of increasing work demands and family obligations. This review proposed to carry out a systematic search of the recent scientific literature to analyze the work-family relationship in workers of private companies. Following the PRISMA methodology, searches were carried out in the WOS, SCOPUS and SCIELO databases, including academic articles, in Spanish and English. 19 relevant investigations that analyzed the subject of study and that met the determined eligibility criteria were included. A predominance of quantitative, non-experimental and relational studies is observed, in addition, the majority of the samples come from Portugal, established non-probabilistically and of moderate size, a diversity of dimensions is evident, as well as, they were addressed largely from cross-sectional designs. Longitudinal studies with more diverse samples are necessary, particularly for the Latin American context.

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Work-family relationship in private company workers: A systematic review. (2024). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 16(4), 1-18.


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