Psychotherapy in times of the COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina: Factors associated with the use of telepsychology during social isolation

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María Isabel Fontao
Leandro Martín Casari
Natalia Piorno
Alejandra Ruth Taborda


In Argentina, social isolation to reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has had an impact on the practice of psychotherapy. Objective: To describe factors associated with the use of communication technologies in psychotherapy during social isolation. Procedure: An online survey was conducted among professionals, totaling a sample of 978 cases. Results: 77.7% of the participants started using online psychotherapy for the first time at the beginning of social isolation; 62.6% of the participants treated half or more of their patients online. Significant relationships were detected between online psychotherapy and various factors that characterize psychotherapeutic practice, but these are weak effects. The use of online psychotherapy is associated with treatment interruption and modifications in the level of income. Conclusions: Drastic changes in psychotherapeutic practice during social isolation need to be studied in depth.

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How to Cite
Psychotherapy in times of the COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina: Factors associated with the use of telepsychology during social isolation. (2022). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 14(2), 75-86.
Original Articles

How to Cite

Psychotherapy in times of the COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina: Factors associated with the use of telepsychology during social isolation. (2022). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 14(2), 75-86.


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