Attitudes towards the Quarantine in Argentine Adults: Associations with Sociodemographic and Psychological Variables
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Due to the pandemic by COVID-19, on March 20 in Argentina, preventive and compulsory social isolation was decreed. The objective was to analyze attitudes towards quarantine and relate them to sociodemographic and psychological variables, in 1,066 adults. The Scale of Negative Attitudes towards quarantine (NA), Scale of Frustration Intolerance (FI), Scale of Cognitive Emotional Regulation (CERQ) and ad-hoc sociodemographic questionnaire were used. The surveys were sent online during the first month of compulsory isolation. Supporting the hypotheses raised, it was found that 80% of the participants reported complying with the quarantine, and the NA increased according to: high levels of FI and non-adaptative ER, days of confinement, gender, age, in those who did not comply 100% with isolation and in the unemployed ones. Although, results suggest that associations were found, longitudinal studies after the first phase of quarantine are necessary.
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