Extinction Contexts do not show Direct and Indirect Evidence of Conditioned Inhibition

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Aracelli Cañete
Gabrielle González-Aravena
Francisca Díaz
Mario A. Laborda
Gonzalo Miguez


 To explain Pavlovian extinction, it has been proposed that the extinction context acts as a conditioned inhibitor, contributing to relapses. Two experiments using rats evaluated the inhibitory potential of the extinction context and its retrospective revaluation. In Experiment 1, subjects learned an association in Context A, that was then extinguished in Context B. Subsequently, the exciter was extinguished in a third context to reevaluate the inhibitory potential of Context B. Finally, summation and retardation tests were carried to measure the inhibition of Context B. Experiment 2 increased the number of Acquisition and Extinction trials to strengthen inhibitory training. Results of both experiments show that the extinction context did not act as a conditioned inhibitor. This suggests that more specific parameters are required for the extinction context to become a conditioned inhibitor.

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How to Cite
Extinction Contexts do not show Direct and Indirect Evidence of Conditioned Inhibition. (2022). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 14(3), 82-92. https://doi.org/10.32348/1852.4206.v14.n3.27994
Original Articles

How to Cite

Extinction Contexts do not show Direct and Indirect Evidence of Conditioned Inhibition. (2022). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 14(3), 82-92. https://doi.org/10.32348/1852.4206.v14.n3.27994


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