Conceptual Metaphor Processing through Quinian Bootstrapping

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Carolina Mahler


Through an ontogenic approach, this is a re-elaborated proposal of the notion of Quinian bootstrapping (QB) for its application to the theory of conceptual metaphor (TCM), particularly to the cognitive link between the schematic thought in the source domain and its corresponding target domain. In view of TCM’s scantily-elaborated theoretical specifications regarding ontogeny and intersubjectivity in metaphorical thought, this article applies QB to the TCM. Initially, caregivers would use placeholders (lexical items) that would carry meaning but which would be content-empty for the infant. Modulated by prosody and gesture in recurrent experiences, placeholders would operate as public and explicit signals relevant to the adult community. As from 2 years of age, the infant would manage to load the placeholders with the meaning used by those around her by connecting a domain of experience grounded on her body and perception to another domain referred to by the speech community.

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How to Cite
Conceptual Metaphor Processing through Quinian Bootstrapping. (2021). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 13(2), 1-13.
Author Biography

Carolina Mahler, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Doctoranda en Filosofía, UNC.

Traductora Pública Nacional de Inglés, UNC.

Docente de Profesionales Téc., Sup., EGB3, Pol. y TTP, INCASUP.

Cargos docentes actuales:

Prof. Titular de Fonética del inglés, Colegio Universitario de Periodismo “Obispo Trejo y Sanabria”.

Prof. Lengua Extranjera con Fines Específicos, FAD, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba.

Cargos en investigación:

Directora de GRFT 2018 “Análisis Lingüístico-conceptual del discurso artístico”, aprobado por Mincyt Córdoba. Secretaría de Posgrado e Investigación, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba.

Miembro del Grupo de Conceptos y Percepción, Fac. De Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


How to Cite

Conceptual Metaphor Processing through Quinian Bootstrapping. (2021). Argentinean Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 13(2), 1-13.


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