Intervention on cognitive, behavioral and emotional self-regulation in children: A review of process-based and school curriculum approaches in Argentina
Main Article Content
Self-regulation -a core aspect of adaptive human behavior- is linked to developing healthy social and emotional skills, during childhood. Thus, different intervention studies on self-regulation in child population were developed worldwide. In general, these studies employ one of two basic approaches: Processes-based or school curriculum-based. In Argentina, there are research groups about the topic, but there is not a registry with information about all of them. For these reasons, this systematic review is aimed to relieve, to synthesize and to evaluate the impact of intervention programs (taking into account both approaches) which have been implemented in Argentina, in preschoolers and elementary school student. Among main results the prevalence of analysis of near short-term transfer effects, positive results in populations with and without unsatisfied needs, and difficulties in the intervention context are highlighted. We discuss about the importance of new conditions and politics for self-regulation interventions.
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