Psychometric properties of the Gratitude Questionnaire (G-20) in a sample of Argentine adolescents
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The Gratitude Questionnaire (G-20) assesses interpersonal gratitude, gratitude before suffering, the recognition of personal gifts in personal experience and the expression of gratitude. In order to verify the factor structure of the G-20 in Argentine adolescents, an instrumental study was developed. The sample was composed of 370 students (M = 15.24; SD = 1.50), a CFA was performed based on the model proposed in the original scale and the composite reliability was calculated. Both the CFA adjustment indices and the penalty indices support a four-dimensional model (NFI, NNFI, IFI and CFI ≥ .94; RMSEA < .08; SRMR < .09). The composite reliability of the instrument was satisfactory for both the global scale (FC = .94) and for each of the dimensions (FC = .72 to .83). The G-20 presents satisfactory psychometric evidence that enables a valid and reliable evaluation of the gratitude construct in Argentine adolescents.
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