Participation in recreational activities with sound exposure and cochlear hearing protection mechanism in university students.
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The relationship between participation in recreational activities with sound exposure and the cochlear mechanism of hearing protection regulated by the medial efferent system was determined. 72 young people between 18 and 25 years old were evaluated by means of a questionnaire on Sound exposure in recreational activities and Contralateral Suppression (CS) by Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE). Young people were classified in categories of General Exposure to Music (GEM). At the hearing level, the ears were classified into Group 1 (DPOAES present normal) and Group 2 (DPOAES present abnormal). Then the DPOAES CS was applied. No clear trend was found that directly related GEM and hearing level. This situation could indicate that both act independently. However, most of the young people in Group 2 belonged to the middle and upper categories, this suggest that the protection mechanism could be vulnerable if the exposure were maintained or increased in the future.
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How to Cite
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