Homosexual and heterosexual men present characteristic patterns of cortical synchronization in response to visual sexual stimuli

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Claudia Amezcua-Gutiérrez
David Lozano-Martínez
Marisela Hernández-González
Enrique Hernández-Arteaga
Alonso Fernández-Guasti
Miguel Ángel Guevara


Since several cortical areas participate in the processing of sexual stimuli, this study characterized the electroencephalographic activity of prefrontal, temporal and parietal areas in men with different sexual orientation while observing erotic videos with homosexual (HOV) and heterosexual (HEV) content. The homosexual group presented lower absolute power of theta band in the right temporal cortex and higher right fronto-temporal correlation of beta band when observing the HOV. While the heterosexual group rated only the HEV as pleasant, also presented a higher left fronto-temporal correlation of beta band while watching the HEV, and a lower right fronto-parietal correlation of theta band during observation of the HOV. These results show a characteristic cortical functionality involved in the processing of sexually-relevant stimuli and its possible association with sexual orientation.

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Cómo citar
Homosexual and heterosexual men present characteristic patterns of cortical synchronization in response to visual sexual stimuli. (2024). Revista Argentina De Ciencias Del Comportamiento, 16(3), 56-65. https://doi.org/10.32348/1852.4206.v16.n3.37426
Artículos Originales

Cómo citar

Homosexual and heterosexual men present characteristic patterns of cortical synchronization in response to visual sexual stimuli. (2024). Revista Argentina De Ciencias Del Comportamiento, 16(3), 56-65. https://doi.org/10.32348/1852.4206.v16.n3.37426


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