Motivations for sustainable models in the fashion industry


  • Marina Santucci Universidad de Buenos Aires – Facultad de Ciencias Económicas – Instituto de Investigación en Administración, Contabilidad y Métodos Cuantitativos para la Gestión – Centros de Estudios de Racionalidad, Acción y Decisión.
  • Andrea Días Universidad de Buenos Aires – Facultad de Ciencias Económicas – Instituto de Investigación en Administración, Contabilidad y Métodos Cuantitativos para la Gestión – Centros de Estudios de Racionalidad, Acción y Decisión.
  • Sonia Sotomayor Universidad de Buenos Aires – Facultad de Ciencias Económicas – Instituto de Investigación en Administración, Contabilidad y Métodos Cuantitativos para la Gestión – Centros de Estudios de Racionalidad, Acción y Decisión.
  • Beatriz Carro Universidad de Buenos Aires – Facultad de Ciencias Económicas – Instituto de Investigación en Administración, Contabilidad y Métodos Cuantitativos para la Gestión – Centros de Estudios de Racionalidad, Acción y Decisión.


Suistainable fashion, Motivation, Incentives


The fashion industry is one of the industries that generates the greatest environmental pollution and unfair working conditions. The general objective of this work was to study the decision-making process of actors and organizational leaders in the fashion industry in order to describe the process of generating sustainable enterprises and the role that incentives from the market, government and institutions have about this problem. In particular, the objectives were: to determine the intrinsic motivation mechanisms or incentives that drive sustainable business models in this industry; characterize consumer perception and describe their priorities when choosing sustainable fashion products; and finally, explore assistance measures and programs from the government and other organizations. With a mixed methodological approach, a field study was carried out that included three data collection instruments: a survey of 321 consumers, and seven in-depth interviews with key referents, including on the one hand three emblematic businessmen and on the other, four leaders of supporting institutions. The results showed that these enterprises were founded by intrinsic motivations of entrepreneurs given by environmental values and close experiences with the communities. Institutions promote ventures by providing technical advice and favoring access to commercial channels. The market for fashion values compliance with sustainable policies and fair employment, and the main sustainable consumption driver was the communication of product specifications.


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How to Cite

Santucci, M., Días, A., Sotomayor, S., & Carro, B. (2023). Motivations for sustainable models in the fashion industry. Pymes, Innovación Y Desarrollo, 11(1), 3–23. Retrieved from