An Aspect of Hybrid Governance in Small-Scale Digital Multi-sided Platforms


  • José Luis Pellegrini Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
  • Paula Julieta Báscolo Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
  • Romina Puccio Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
  • María Victoria Massón Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
  • Mauro Ferrero Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Rosario


Digital Multi-sided Platform, Small Business, Rosario City, Argentina, Transaction Costs Economic, Governance


This paper analyzes, with a Transaction Costs Economics based view, how small-scale digital multi-sided platforms (DMSPs) affiliate part of their users by making transaction-specific investments and creating hybrid governance structures (that is, combining characteristics of hierarchical and market governance). This is a behavior different from that analyzed by the main authors who deal with DMSPs from the point of view of economic theory, who do not deal with the phenomenon of affiliation or understand that the investments associated with it are made by the users of the platform only. Previously, we review the main contributions of what can be considered the mainstream of economic theory that deals with LDCs and some recent contributions, influenced by the economics of Transaction Costs. The behavior described above is observed in the results of a multi-case study of small-scale PMD based in the city of Rosario, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Pellegrini, J. L. ., Báscolo, P. J. ., Puccio, R. ., Massón, M. V. ., & Ferrero, M. . (2022). An Aspect of Hybrid Governance in Small-Scale Digital Multi-sided Platforms. Pymes, Innovación Y Desarrollo, 9(3), 60–79. Retrieved from