Network analysis of Rafaela’s Innovation System


  • Hernán Revale Universidad Nacional de Rafaela
  • Valentina Fernández Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


innovation systems, networks, knowledge transfer


This paper proposes the study of the innovation system of the city of Rafaela through the analysis of networks. Secondary information was collected from the web pages of the main actors of the system, which accounted for the interactions between institutions, mainly related to the transfer of knowledge in the system. From the identification of the actors (nodes) and the intensity of the interactions between them, a network was elaborated and different measures of centrality were calculated. Generally, the Rafaela Development Agency (ACDICAR) is identified as a central player in our network, followed by the business sector and the National University of Rafaela (UNRaf). They are positioned as the nodes with the greatest number of connections, most central and with the greatest influence on interactions within the network. Since the present work shows a topographic and quantitative vision of Rafaela’s innovation system, a subsequent qualitative analysis is proposed to shed light on the quality of these interactions.


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How to Cite

Revale, H., & Fernández, V. . (2022). Network analysis of Rafaela’s Innovation System. Pymes, Innovación Y Desarrollo, 9(3), 26–34. Retrieved from