Digital transformation in the shipbuilding industry of Buenos Aires Province: challenges and opportunities


  • Franco Manzo Grupo Análisis Industrial, Centro de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
  • Lucía Mercedes Mauro Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
  • Agustín Lazzari Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



Digital Transformation, Shipbuilding Industry, SMEs, Innovation, Argentina


Globally, the manufacturing industry is undergoing significant transformations driven by the emergence of Industry 4.0 technologies. While the shipbuilding industry is not at the forefront of this process, it is experiencing an initial diffusion of digitalization and automation in production processes. This study aims to analyze the digital transformation process of the heavy shipbuilding industry in Buenos Aires Province through a multiple case study approach, using in-depth interviews as the primary data collection method. This qualitative technique is complemented by descriptive statistics derived from quantitative data. The main findings reveal a low average level of progress in the digital transformation process, with differences based on firm size, role in the value chain, and target market. Key critical factors hindering the adoption of new technologies in this industry include the specific characteristics of production processes, organizational culture, and a lack of knowledge about new technologies and their benefits. The recovery phase that the Buenos Aires shipbuilding industry has experienced in recent years represents an opportunity to advance the digital transformation process in the medium term, aiming to narrow the gap with the international technological frontier. To achieve this, the shipbuilding industry must deepen its understanding of 3.0 technologies, automate basic production processes, and focus efforts on workforce training, adopting continuous improvement systems, and obtaining quality certifications.


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How to Cite

Digital transformation in the shipbuilding industry of Buenos Aires Province: challenges and opportunities. (2025). Pymes, Innovación Y Desarrollo, 12(3), 3-21.