Industry 4.0 in the Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina)


  • Mariela Carattoli Centro de Estudios en Administración, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
  • Daniel Hoyos Maldonado



Industry 4.0, Buenos Aires, Policies, Sub-national, Adoption


This paper presents the results of an exploratory investigation aimed at analyzing the diffusion and adoption process of strategic Industry 4.0 technologies in the industrial sector of Buenos Aires province, and outlining policy recommendations at the subnational level. For this purpose, a panel of 55 industrial companies from Buenos Aires province was formed. The (partial) results show unequal degrees of adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies, in line with the marked heterogeneity in terms of productive scale and technological capabilities of firms in the Buenos Aires territory, and a technological trajectory associated with Industry 4.0 in the Province of Buenos Aires, which is still in an early phase of the adoption curve. Based on the identification of barriers and company typologies, a taxonomy of promotion policies that could be implemented at the subnational level is proposed.


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How to Cite

Industry 4.0 in the Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina). (2024). Pymes, Innovación Y Desarrollo, 12(1), 55-76.