Extrinsic and intrinsic characteristics of resources and novelty of recombinations
resources, recombinations, novelty, innovationAbstract
The paper covers an area that has been little explored in the literature, such as resources in product innovation. It argues that the literature on recombinant innovation assumes homogeneity in resources (it considers only knowledge) and recombinations (it does not state what level of novelty they reach). Thus, it does not explain possible specific relationships between these constructs. On the contrary, for the article, resources would have different intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics that would influence in a variable way the novelty of recombinations. It inquiries about these types of characteristics and the reason their influence would vary. The methodology involved constructing two explanatory typologies based on a critical literature analysis. The typologies show possible specific relationships of the different levels of recombination novelty with 1) extrinsic characteristics; and 2) with the interaction of extrinsic and intrinsic characteristics. The paper presents propositions and a formal model for measuring these resource characteristics and their effect on novelty. Theoretically, the results would redefine the homogeneous view of the literature: 1) knowledge would not be the only important resource. Tangible resources would be fundamental to develop high novelty, 2) resources (tangible and knowledge) would be heterogeneous and multidimensional, 3) recombinations would have variable novelty, and 4) the resource-novelty relationships of recombinations would be specific and of different types (with the medium novelty producing ones as predominant). For management, the results would contribute to reducing the uncertainty of SMEs about the novelty resulting from recombinations. Thus, efficiency and effectiveness in developing new products may increase.
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