Uma Análise dos Programas Públicos Startup Brasil e Inovativa Brasil enquanto Instrumentos de Apoio a Empresas Startups do Rio Grande do Sul / Brasil


  • Lenise Gessí Grings Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Janaína Ruffoni Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Ana Lúcia Tatsch Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Public programs to encourage innovation and productive activity in Brazil also target the development of startups, which represent a specific group of micro and small companies. The objective of this study is to analyze two federal public programs, Start-Up Brasil and Inovativa Brasil, as instruments to support the development of startups. A qualitative research, exploratory and descriptive, was carried out in 2016, with startups located in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) and support entities. As positive elements identified, three aspects stand out: contribution of financial and human resources; contribution to training and strengthening of innovation and opportunity for startups to act internationally. However, there was also a need for improvements regarding the process of selecting startups for the programs, new ranges for financial resources and issues of labor and tax legislation. It is important to highlight the demand regarding a specific regulatory framework for the emergence and development of startups in Brazil. It is essential to pay attention to these points when evaluating and reformulating the public programs. It is a preliminary analysis that seeks to stimulate discussions and new research regarding public programs to support startups.


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How to Cite

Uma Análise dos Programas Públicos Startup Brasil e Inovativa Brasil enquanto Instrumentos de Apoio a Empresas Startups do Rio Grande do Sul / Brasil. (2020). Pymes, Innovación Y Desarrollo, 8(2), 118-140.