Daily practices of the informal career of ambulatory oncological patients. Year 2019


  • Úrsula Avalos Hospital José Ramón Vidal
  • César Bruno Hospital José Ramón Vidal
  • Noelia Cartaman Hospital Materno Neonatal Eloisa Torrent de Vidal
  • Mónica Auchter Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina
  • Carolina Gómez Hospital Perrando Resistencia




Neoplasms, Caregivers, Activities of Daily Living


Oncological disease is characterized by a profound alteration in the regulation of cell growth and / or death, with the ability to spread remotely. During their treatment they require the help of caregivers who are often their own family, people from their environment who voluntarily assume the role of responsible in a broad sense and are willing to make decisions for and by the patient. Therefore, this study sought to describe the care practices carried out daily by the informal caregiver of assisted outpatient oncology patients in a public hospital in the city of Corrientes during 2019. With a descriptive, cross-sectional and observational design, the sample was made up of informal caregivers who met criteria of inclusion, exclusion and elimination previously defined. Data collection was carried out between August to October 2019 by applying a questionnaire to 90 informal caregivers. The average age was 43 years, 76% were women, in relation 44% were children and 24% were couples. On average they dedicated 14 hours a day to care, with 47% doing it in the three shifts. 42% were dependent workers, 26% housewives, 12% students, 7% retired; freelancers 9% and 4% unemployed. The activity they performed most frequently was accompaniment to clinical consultations with 81%. These caregivers, in addition to developing daily practices with their sick family member, also fulfilled work and study obligations. The existence of this disease affects the life not only of those who suffer it directly but also that of the family and immediately that of the informal caregiver. The repercussions can be minimized if they receive adequate support from the nursing staff, including not only the sick person but also the informal caregiver in their care.


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Author Biographies

Úrsula Avalos, Hospital José Ramón Vidal

Lic. en Enfermería.

César Bruno, Hospital José Ramón Vidal

Lic. en Enfermería.

Noelia Cartaman, Hospital Materno Neonatal Eloisa Torrent de Vidal

Lic. en Enfermería.

Mónica Auchter, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina

Médica Pediatra. Magister en Desarrollo Social.

Carolina Gómez, Hospital Perrando Resistencia

Lic. en Enfermería. Jefe de Residentes de Enfermería en Cuidados Críticos.


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How to Cite

Avalos, Úrsula, Bruno, C., Cartaman, N., Auchter, M., & Gómez, C. (2020). Daily practices of the informal career of ambulatory oncological patients. Year 2019. Notas De Enfermería, 20(35), 39–47. https://doi.org/10.59843/2618-3692.v20.n35.29158



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