Level of Knowledge and Attitudes about Tuberculosis in High School Students of Juliaca, Puno 2023
tuberculosis, knowledge, attitudesAbstract
Objective: determine the level of knowledge and attitudes towards Tuberculosis prevention measures in students of a national secondary school in Juliaca, Puno region in 2023. Methodology: quantitative, cross-sectional and with a quasi-experimental design because carried out an educational intervention. A total of 420 students participated. Regarding the analysis, the descriptive results were presented through frequency tables. Results: at the beginning of the educational program, it turned out that 95.2% of the students had low knowledge, and 92.6% of the students had a negative attitude towards Tuberculosis Prevention measures. Subsequently, after completing the educational program, 68.8% of the students presented a high level of knowledge about Tuberculosis and 99.0% of the students presented a positive attitude towards Tuberculosis Prevention measures. Conclusions: the educational program Taking Care of my health is effective in improving knowledge and attitudes of preventive measures against Tuberculosis in students of a national secondary school in Juliaca.
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