Adherence to chemotherapy treatment in onco-hematological patients and its relationship with quality of life
Neoplasms, Treatment Adherence and Compliance, Quality of LifeAbstract
Therapeutic adherence can be conceptualized as the strategy that allows the patient to continue treatment and thereby to achieve significant changes in behavior that improve his or her life. The quality of life is defined as the general enjoyment of life, many clinical studies, and the evaluation of the effects of cancer and its treatment on the quality of life. The objective was to evaluate the adherence degree to the chemotherapeutic treatment of the Onco-Hematological patient and their relationship with the quality of life. Method: Cross-sectional correlative study. The total population n= 64 patients. Results: In the Adherence Scale to Morisky's Medication, the results of the population give a 12.3 promissory note for which they have a high adhesion. WHOQOLBREF's questionnaire is 37% normal, but with a perception of health 40% is regular and 3% bad. The size with the joint is lower than the psychological with 40% Medium and 10% bad. Given the value of the non-monthly it was not possible to establish meaningful relationships. Conclusion: high adherence to treatment., the quality of life is normal, but the perception of their regular The domain of smaller punctuation was the physical.
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