Education (nem both) superior, more democratic (perhaps)


  • Pedro Demo Universidade de Brasilia



Higher Education. University. Commodify. Democratization.


While we are overwhelmed or run over by digital technological advances that will greatly annoy us, especially in relation to an education that will become even more neoliberalized (commercialized), let us pretend that education is holding its own. One of Darcy Ribeiro’s most eloquent observations was that the Brazilian educational crisis is not a crisis; it is a project (Roitman, 2022). The crisis is all the more acute the less we want to notice it. This alienation is secular among us, partly because the educational system serves the elite, through the rule of quotas: the best university has always been a quota for the richest, blatantly so. The black quota is often a counter-quota, a response and this is more than enough to justify it. But, as in every social policy there is a trap, the trap here is that, if there is some access, continuity is not ensured, which implies emptying the opportunity, especially for the most in-demand courses. In general, the quota holder does not fail (that would be very bad!), but he does not need to: he himself is discouraged. There is, however, a consolation, because access has become somewhat democratized, at least less formally. Other adventures, however, wear down the institution, partly for a reason, but partly because of traditional ineptitude: instead of trying to understand the change, to feel master or a measure of it, it falls behind. Education does not change, but times change. In this text I endeavour to account, even if only in a very preliminary way, for some of the challenges facing the university, rather lost in the world of the moon, but a little more democratic.


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Author Biography

  • Pedro Demo, Universidade de Brasilia

    Graduado em filosofia e doutorado em Sociologia - Universität Des Saarlandes/Alemanha, fez seu pós-doutorado na Universidade da Califórnia em Los Angeles. Professor Titular da Universidade de Brasília, desde 1982, Departamento de Sociologia (SOL), aposentado em maio de 2008. Foi secretário-geral adjunto do Ministério da Educação e presidente do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP). Como autor publicou mais de 100 livros. Tem experiência na área de Política Social, com ênfase em Sociologia da Educação e Pobreza Política. Trabalha com Metodologia Científica, no contexto da Teoria Crítica e Pesquisa Qualitativa. Pesquisa principalmente a questão da aprendizagem nas escolas públicas, por conta dos desafios da cidadania popular e em estudo da complexidade, a aprendizagem digital, a cibercultura, e novas formas de produção do conhecimento.


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DOSSIER: "Educación Superior, Democracias y democratización del conocimiento en América Latina y el Caribe: balances y tendencias (I)"

How to Cite

Education (nem both) superior, more democratic (perhaps). (2025). Integración Y Conocimiento, 14(1).

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