“Overabound the temporal and the eternal is assured”

the Jesuit missions of Paraguay in the work of Francisco Xarque





Francisco Xarque, moral philosophy, relation of the mission


We would like to characterize the book Insignes misioneros de la Compañía de Jesús written by Francisco Xarque and published in 1687, as an example of imposing the “counterreform way of reading” in a “discursive form” widely used by the Jesuits: the relation. Our hypothesis is that Francisco Xarque intended to “inform” readers, in the sense of giving form to them or even better edifying them. He doens’t want to give a simple account of the missionaries work. His objective was, through the relation of the missions, to forge the unity of Church's moral teaching, in a moment of intense debates on this subject.


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Author Biography

André Caruso, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social do Instituto de História da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IH-UFRJ). Apoio CNPq

Bacharel e mestre em História pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Douto-rando em História Social pela mesma instituição e vinculado ao Laboratório de Pesquisas das Práticas Letradas (PEHL). Bolsista Erasmus+ na Université Côte d’Azur e, atualmente, bol-sita MOBLILEX na Université de Lille. Pesquiso a composição dos relatos sobre as missões jesuíticas na Província do Paraguai, especialmente a utilização de tópicas relacionadas à Utopia.


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How to Cite

Caruso, A. (2020). “Overabound the temporal and the eternal is assured”: the Jesuit missions of Paraguay in the work of Francisco Xarque. Antiguos Jesuitas En Iberoamérica, 8. https://doi.org/10.31057/2314.3908.v8.n.28078



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