Non-binary language in the library: experience of curricularization


  • María Natalia Gómez Calvillo Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina


outreach curricularization; Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Theory; Alfonsina Storni Popular Library; non-binary language


This article describes a first experience of outreach curricularization which we carried out, in 2023, from the Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Theory (LCyTT in Spanish), School of Languages, Córdoba National University, in conjunction with Alfonsina Storni Popular Library, located in the city of Cordoba, Argentina. 

In the library’s venue and in a virtual classroom that we created specifically, we generated the workshop called Palabras sin barreras. Explorando el lenguaje no binario en la biblioteca (Words without Borders. Exploring non-binary language in the library), with which we encouraged theoretically-based exchanges, from a cognitivist and sociolinguistic perspective, about non-binary language, manifested, for example, through the form "e" in words such as "diputades". 

The different activities we proposed to the attendees promoted a very enriching back and forth, not only for those who were members of the public, but mostly for the students and the professor of LCyTT. 

In this paper, we focus precisely on the positive assessment that our outreach workshop gave way to in the Chair as a whole, and we propose some reflections with a view to giving it continuity in this new academic year.


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