Cinedebate experience in an ISFD. Participation, audiovisuals and memory


  • Diego A. Moreiras Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina
  • Fabiana Castagno Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina
  • M. Victoria Dilascio Basbus Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina
  • Sara Emilia Giano Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina


cinemadebate experience; teacher training; participation; collective construction of knowledge; memory


In this paper we seek to describe an experience of outreach practice developed within the framework of the Outreach Program of the School of Communication Sciences (UNC). It consisted of a film debating day organized between a Higher Teacher Training Institute and the School mentioned, around the 40th anniversary of the recovery of democracy, which aimed to create a space for dialogue, collective reflection and the “confluence” of knowledge of the different participants. Here, we lay out the phases of the project, reflect on the different ways in which participation was promoted, and present some criteria that underpinned decisions about the films and audiovisuals chosen for viewing, as well as some avenues informing the nature of memories promoted. We argue that the notion of democracy was approached on two levels: the thematic axis around which it was convened, with the purpose of commemoration, and the device itself since its design and execution sought to account for the spread of the word, respect by the knowledge of the community(s) involved, the multiplicity of perspectives at play and the building of a collaborative experience of exchange and construction of knowledge.


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