Lot's woman: Updating and resignification of the myth in 20th century poetry


  • Rosa María Belda Molina IES Bocairent


feminism, poetry, reinterpretation of misogynist myths


In this article are pointed out some of the different interpretations that have been developed in the biblical myth of Lot's woman during the twentieth century in poetry, especially written by women. The references are not limited only to poets from the Hispanic fields, but also to poets who are now a reference of the world lyric, such as Anna Akhmátova and Wislawa Szymborska. All the interpretations that are pointed out demonstrate the misogynist nature of traditional interpretations and provide new meanings. These project this myth in a positive key, in keeping with the will to break with the traditional hegemonic gaze that guides literary studies with a gender perspective and to give new senses to the story of literary history.


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Author Biography

Rosa María Belda Molina, IES Bocairent

Rosa Maria Belda Molina es Doctora en Filología Española por la Universitat de València, de la cual ha sido profesora asociada. Actualmente es profesora del IES de Bocairent. Es autora de libros, de ediciones, de diversos artículos y reseñas en revistas especializadas, así como ponencias y comunicaciones en congresos en torno a la poesía hispánica y catalana del siglo XX, especialmente sobre la poeta Concha García, la poesía de género y la poesía en el exilio. Ha publicado el libro La poesía de Concha García (Córdoba, Ediciones Litopress, 2003) y “Yo y mi cuerpo” Prólogo a Ya nada es rito y otros poemas (Obra completa (1987-2003) de Concha García (Madrid, Ocnos, 2007).


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How to Cite

Belda Molina, R. M. (2018). Lot’s woman: Updating and resignification of the myth in 20th century poetry. Etcétera. Revista Del Área De Ciencias Sociales Del CIFFyH, (3). Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/etcetera/article/view/22589


