Emotions in the educational agenda. Notes to think about the progress of Emotional Education in the official Argentinean curriculum


  • Dana Luisina Abraham National Unversity of Córdoba


emotional education, curriculum, neoliberalism


Emotional Education is a proposal that is progressively advancing in the national educational field. From 2016 to the present, five provinces have passed laws that incorporate it into their curricula, all of them promoted by the Emotional Education Foundation. This initiative raises the need for teaching the “management” of emotions from childhood, and they point out the importance this has for the personal well-being of the individual and the achievement of personal goals. Taking up contributions from positive psychology, emotional intelligence and advances in socioemotional competencies, this proposal introduces in the official curriculum the work with emotions in a transversal way in all compulsory levels of the educational system and teacher training. Together with the reading of points in common of these legislations, we review some criticisms that have been voiced towards their central approaches linked to market categories and the meanings that this educational policy may acquire in the current context.


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Author Biography

  • Dana Luisina Abraham, National Unversity of Córdoba

    Profesora en Ciencias de la Educación y estudiante de la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación por la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Actualmente se desempeña como asesora pedagógica de carreras a distancia en la Universidad Blas Pascal en la ciudad de Córdoba. Sus temas de interés tienen que ver con políticas educativas y políticas curriculares vinculadas a la construcción de ciudadanía.


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Documentos legales consultados

Provincia de Corrientes. (2016). Ley N.º 6398 de Educación Emocional. Sancionada: 10/11/2016. Promulgada: 30/11/2016.

Provincia de Misiones. (2018). Ley VI N.º 209 de Educación Emocional. Consolidada: 25/01/2018.

Provincia de Jujuy. (2021). Ley N.º 6.244 de Educación Emocional. Sancionada: 22/12/2021. Promulgada: 12/01/22.

Provincia de Chaco. (2022). Ley N.º 3.743-E de Educación Emocional. Sancionada: 23/11/2022. Promulgada: 21/12/2022.

Provincia de Tucumán. (2023). Ley N.º 9676 de Educación Emocional. Sancionada: 22/12/2022. Promulgada: 19/03/2023.







How to Cite

Emotions in the educational agenda. Notes to think about the progress of Emotional Education in the official Argentinean curriculum. (2024). Etcétera. Revista Del Área De Ciencias Sociales Del CIFFyH, 15. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/etcetera/article/view/47525