Education in times of pandemic. Art and school: allies to work on inclusion

Dossier "Experiencias educativas en pandemia"


  • María Agustina Ceballos López Escuela Especial “Dra. Carolina Ana Mosca”


Education, Pandemic, Art, Inclusion


Those of us who have been working in different educational spaces (levels, modalities, formal and non-formal environments), have repeatedly heard that "education must find a new paradigm". Words more, words less, we are asked to develop, to discover what new possibilities we can put into action from our places as educators, in order to be able to respond to the different needs of each student attending the institutions, taking into account their realities, the context in which the school is inscribed. Above all, to guarantee access to education to any person, asserting this right. But the conflict, the contradiction, the difficulty that we educators face is how, with what resources, through what means... and the list could go on and on.


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Author Biography

  • María Agustina Ceballos López, Escuela Especial “Dra. Carolina Ana Mosca”

    María Agustina Ceballos López es Egresada del Instituto Superior de Educación Artístico Musical Domingo Zipoli (Córdoba, Argentina). Desde agosto de 2012 se desempeña como docente de música en los niveles primario y secundario de la Escuela Especial Dra. Carolina Ana Mosca, en la ciudad de Córdoba. En 2016 formó el primer coro juvenil de la escuela, integrado por jóvenes que acuden a la institución en horario extraescolar. En 2018 disertó sobre sus experiencias en arte, escuela y discapacidad en una mesa de trabajo sobre educación en Latinoamérica, en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Chile. Actualmente cursa estudios superiores en el Conservatorio Superior de Música Félix T. Garzón, perteneciente a la Universidad Provincial de Córdoba.









How to Cite

Education in times of pandemic. Art and school: allies to work on inclusion: Dossier "Experiencias educativas en pandemia". (2021). Etcétera. Revista Del Área De Ciencias Sociales Del CIFFyH, 8.