Who are you? Between Judith Butler and Edward Said


  • Sasha Hilas


Recognition frames, Orientalism, Culture


The following article is framed within the study of my doctoral thesis, in the Doctorate of Philosophy, on the recent formulation of Judith Butler around an ethics of cohabitation. One of the moments of this research is the discussion around the cultural norms that delimit the field of the human. I am referring to the “recognition frames” (Butler, 2010) that operate as a cut of the real, from which the category of human is differentially distributed. Although we are all vulnerable and need institutions and others to survive, not all of us are vulnerable in the same way. There are those who are not considered worthy lives and their life and death happen without globally awakening moral outrage at the violence they suffer. Considering current human cartography, the article sets out to investigate the logic of opposition between the West and the Middle East, where Arab-Muslim lives are considered less than human and therefore not meritorious. In this task, I propose a possible dialogue between the philosopher Edward Said and Judith Butler, recovering from the first his concept of “orientalism” (Said, 2008), important to the analysis of the cultural frames that delimit the border of the human.


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Author Biography

  • Sasha Hilas

    Sasha Hilas es Profesorx de Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Actualmente cursa el Doctorado en Filosofía en la misma casa de estudios. Participa como miembrx de diversos equipos de investigación en el CIFFyH-UNC desde el año 2016. El área de estudio a la que se dedica actualmente se ubica en los encuentros entre filosofía política contemporánea y ética, los estudios feministas y queer dentro de la corriente del giro afectivo, explorando las modulaciones entre violencia normativa, cohabitación y temporalidad.


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How to Cite

Who are you? Between Judith Butler and Edward Said. (2020). Etcétera. Revista Del Área De Ciencias Sociales Del CIFFyH, 6. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/etcetera/article/view/29622