TOPSIS method integrated into a back-end development for mobile phone selection
multicriteria, topsis, critic, back-endAbstract
In current society, owning a mobile device, a cell phone, is essential due to the applications and multiple tools they have. A person must make the decision of which device to buy repeatedly, since they have a limited useful life due to continuous technological advances. The aim of this work is to help the decision maker to choose the cell phone that best suits his preferences, considering market options and pre-established criteria. One of the challenges is determining the importance of the criteria, for which the CRITIC method was used, and a survey was carried out to obtain the importance from the judgment of various people. To evaluate the alternatives, the TOPSIS multi-criteria method was applied to determine the satisfactory cell, globally, with different sets of weights. The analysis was deepened, returning to each respondent the appropriate cell phone according to the personal preferences indicated, through a back-end development.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Claudia B. Peretto, Agustín Gonzalez, María G. Frascaroli, Luciano I. Toloza

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