"It's a pricelees moment"

A space-time proposal for bibliographical readings at a primary education teachers training college


  • Lucía Caisso Universidad Nacional de Rafaela


teacher training, identities, reading


In this article, I present a pedagogic experience developed as part of a subject of a Primary Education Teachers Training College from the city of Cordoba. This experience proceeded from recognizing the distance between my written and school culture and the ones of my students, from which I started an exploration regarding their life conditions. I registered the multiple everyday activities and responsibilities in which my students were involved and the consistently time constraint they had to read the bibliographical texts of the syllabuses. The recognition of that reality and the contributions of some authors (who reflect on the formation of the readers) led me to propose the creation of a reading space-time within the class. Here are presented the guidelines that regulated this space-time as well as the valuations from the students about it.


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Author Biography

Lucía Caisso, Universidad Nacional de Rafaela

Es Profesora en Antropología (UNR), Especialista en Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) y Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación (UNC). Trabajó como docente de nivel secundario, terciario y universitario en la ciudad de Córdoba. Actualmente se desempeña como investigadora asistente del CONICET y como docente universitaria en la ciudad de Rafaela.


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Estudiante del Profesorado de Educación Primaria leyendo el compendio bibliográfico



How to Cite

Caisso, L. (2022). "It’s a pricelees moment": A space-time proposal for bibliographical readings at a primary education teachers training college. Educación, formación E investigación, 8(13), 95–106. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/efi/article/view/39297