Multiple intelligences and creativity in spanish students of the teacher's degree
creativity, emotion, higher education, intelligence, academic achievementAbstract
Teaching from an integrative perspective that includes social and emotional aspects is one of the main challenges within the field of education and psychology today. Currently, being smart involves more than having a high IQ, it requires being able to solve problems flexibly and creatively, as well as creating innovative products transforming knowledge. Therefore, it is essential to take into account cognitive, social and emotional aspects. The objective of this study is to analyze the level reached in university students of the Teaching Degree in terms of their multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence, creativity and academic achievement, as well as the existing relationships and differences according to sex and academic performance in degree of the variables analyzed. 175 students of the Teaching Degree participated voluntarily in this research. Academic achievement was evaluated through the previous average grade and the Creative Intelligence test (CREA), the adapted Trait Meta-Mood Scale and the Revised Self-Efficacy Inventory for Multiple Intelligences (IAMI-R) were administered in order to evaluate the variables involved in the study. After analyzing the responses offered by the sample, we found that there are relationships between the different variables analyzed, as well as differences regarding sex and academic performance of the study participants. In conclusion, these results highlight the importance of the joint work of the evaluated variables, which include social and emotional aspects, for the general performance of future teachers.
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