Building pedagogical memory from initial teacher training
Pedagogical historical visits to two normal schools in the city of Córdoba
initial teacher training, normalism, New School, Institutional Pedagogical Project, school materialityAbstract
From the Chairs of History of Argentine Education and Pedagogy of the Education Sciences Career – UNC, together with the research project (SECyT): “The right to secondary schooling. Contributions for the (de)construction of schooling conditions and the school format”, we articulate efforts in the understanding of common and relevant historical pedagogical processes for initial training. For this, on the occasion of the study of educational trends in Argentina and Córdoba between the end of the 19th century and the middle of the 20th century with first-year students, we made visits to the Escuelas Normales Superiores Dr. Alejandro Carbó and Dr. Agustín Garzón Agulla.
The formative purposes of these “pedagogical expeditions” were multiple. It was interesting to produce memory about local traditions that democratized (or not) public education, as well as their relationships (never linear) with the present; put into dialogue national and provincial pedagogical political analyzes with institutional pedagogical projects, identifying conditions in which educational proposals were produced, sustained and/or discontinued, in articulations with disputes between models of society; and knowledge of specific school spaces and their meanings.
Making students of initial teacher training protagonists in the study and interpretation of history supposes a historical, pedagogical, and didactic perspective, which in addition to exploring dynamics that enable dialogue between their experiences with those objects of study that run the risk of being interpreted as devoid of meaning due to their temporal distance; give centrality to the processes of educational relations by articulating structural and singular dimensions.
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