Writings and readings through elementary education. Buenos Aires 1800/1860


  • José Bustamante Vismara Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata




elementary education, writing, reading


The elementary education is approached here through the analysis of the reading and writing learning in Buenos Aires during the first half of the XIX century. With this purpose is carried out an exam of the contents, strategies and some of the activities unwrapped by the students of the male schools of the city of Buenos Aires and their campaign among 1800 and 1860. As fruit of the analysis variations in the character and the perceptions generated on the first letters are suggested. By way of hypothesis it is suggested that some particularities of the first letters of principles of the XIX century were altered toward 1860. This rénovation -itself significant- was not an independentproduct of changes in the technological level, but rather it was a traffic accompanied by modifications in the institutional sphere. More specifically, the renovated state profile toward halffilled of the XIX century would have been linked with the alterations perceived in the environment of the first letters.


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Author Biography

José Bustamante Vismara, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


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How to Cite

Bustamante Vismara, J. (2009). Writings and readings through elementary education. Buenos Aires 1800/1860. Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (5), 367–384. https://doi.org/10.52885/2683-9164.v.n5.23243


