Alejandro Amenábar's Agora: A New Cinematographic Use of the End of Antiquity


  • Elena Duce Pastor Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Hypatia, christianism, philosophy, cinema, reception


In this article we will study the 2009 Alejandro Amenábar’s superproduction “Ágora”. This film was a response to have an historical view of the end of the Antiquity. It is focused on one of the main female figures of Philosophy, “Hypatia”. She was one of the latest female teachers in Alexandria and died dramatically because of her affinity to the power. Her life is presented as a conflict of cultures in Alexandria. Political power is continuously fighting with the new religion: Christianity. The message is clear to the public because they are trying to take care of creating an understandable situation of an Ancient City. Amenabar used some topics that have its origins from 50’s Peplum films and also the innovations after Snyder’s 300. Hypatya is a female character, full of energy and speaks like a feminist. This discourse may be obsolete and anachronic to Antiquity but it is useful in mass media. In spite of some problems of interpretation the general public has a general view of the conflict. We are in the face of a story of the end of the Antiquity understandable for the public.


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Author Biography

Elena Duce Pastor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


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How to Cite

Duce Pastor, E. (2016). Alejandro Amenábar’s Agora: A New Cinematographic Use of the End of Antiquity. Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (16), 15–31.


